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Message Popup with <a href>

I am trying to create a pop up when the application throws an exception. The error is generated from backend webservice

string urlNew = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Unable-to-log-into-Jira-Software-system-dashboard-v7-12-3/qaq-p/920444");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
 string itSupprt = "IT Support request";
        sb.Append("Error: Id is already in use.").AppendLine();
        sb.Append("If assistance is required, please use ");
        sb.AppendFormat(@"<a href = '{0} {1}'   </a>", urlNew, itSupprt);
 throw new FaultException<ErrorMessage>(errorMessage, sb.ToString());

My expectation was to show the pop up with a url, that can be clicked. But i got following as popup. The URl is not proper.


Any pointer whether it is achievable to have popup message with clickable url

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