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Can´t delete disks through gcloud google cloud platform

I'm trying to delete a disk through gcloud but it does not work :/. Every other command works (create, attach, detach).

This is the code im using:

gcloud auth activate-service-account account@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com --key-file=KEY
gcloud compute disks delete disk_name --zone=europe-west3-b

When i execute the code nothing happens. If i press "stop operation" it will stay on that status forever and i have to restart Powershell. The Service-Account has compute instance administrator rights (v1) so it can`t be that.

Updated to the newest version but it didn't change anything.

Thanks in advance :)

This problem related to Powershell ISE that can't return prompts from gcloud . It could be solved by following the documentation Scripting gcloud CLI commands :

Cloud SDK comes with a variety of tools like filtering, formatting, and the --quiet flag , enabling you to effectively handle output and automate tasks.

and using flag -q .

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