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Convert CSV to XML in Powershell

I am trying to convert a CSV document into an XML document for import into a directory. The CSV is formatted as follows:

 Bob,Smith,Bobs@email.com,1111,Suite 101,1
 John,Doe,John@email.com,2222,Suite 102,2

The desired XML output needs to be as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TSP version="1.1">
    <contact firstname="Bob" lastname="Smith" email="Bobs@email.com" Phone="1111" room="Suite 101" id="1"/>
    <contact firstname="John" lastname="Doe" email="John@email.com" phone="2222" room="Suite 102" id="2"/>

Using information from this post Powershell CSV to XML I was able to get the following output which is close but missing some bindings:

<contact Firstname ="Bob" Lastname= "Smith Email= "Bobs@email.com Phone= "1111" Room= "Suite 101" Phone= "1111" />
<contact Firstname ="John" Lastname= "Doe Email= "John@email.com Phone= "2222" Room= "Suite 102" Phone= "2222" />

Any help is very much appreciated!

Script Used:

$docTemplate = @'
<contact $($contacts -join "`n") />
$entryTemplate = @'
Firstname ="$($Phone.Firstname)" Lastname= "$($Phone.Lastname) Email= "$($Phone.Email) Phone= "$($Phone.Phone)" Room= "$($Phone.Room)" Phone= "$($Phone.Phone)"

Import-Csv Test.csv -Delimiter ',' | Group-Object Id -ov grp | ForEach-Object {
  $contacts = foreach ($Phone in $_.Group) {
 $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($docTemplate) } | 
  Set-Content -LiteralPath file.xml


There is a lot going on in this section that is making Troubleshooting and testing difficult.

Import-Csv Test.csv -Delimiter ',' | Group-Object Id -ov grp | ForEach-Object { $contacts =...

Suggest breaking this into individual statements with print statements in between. The goal is to figure it if the issue is with 1. Import-Cvs 2. Group-Object 3. Expand entryTemplate or the respective template 4. expand docTemplate. or the respective template

Another thought based on the issue with quotes in the output is the need to escape special characters like quotes. I haven't done much I'm PowerShell but a back slash before the special character is one way of telling the parser that you want the quote to be treated as a quote character not as an instruction to define a string.

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