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eslint max-line-per-function disable for object-shorthand

const mailParams = ({
}) => ({
  Destination: {
  Message: {
    Body: {
      Html: {
        Charset: 'UTF-8',
        Data: mailTemplate
    Subject: {
      Charset: 'UTF-8',
      Data: `${subject}`
  Source: `${sourceEmail}`

showing Arrow function has too many lines (25). Maximum allowed is 15.eslint(max-lines-per-function) eslint counting everything as a new line.how can we suppress object-shorthand and function-paren-newline": ["error", { "minItems": 3 }] line to be considered as one ie: total number of lines sholud be 5 or 2

You can break your function into smaller chunks. Idea is to have functions doing 1 task only. That makes it more reusable and flexible.

 const getSenderDetails = (ToAddresses, CcAddresses) => ({ ToAddresses, CcAddresses }); const getMessageDetails = (subject, mailTeplate) => { const CharSet = 'UTF-8'; return { Body: { Html: { Charset, Data: mailTemplate } }, Subject: { Charset, Data: `${subject}` } } } const mailParams = ({ ToAddresses, CcAddresses, subject, sourceEmail, mailTemplate }) => ({ Destination: getSenderDetails(ToAddresses, CcAddresses), message: getMessageDetail(subject, mailTemplate), Source: `${sourceEmail}` });

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