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HTCondor Problem with Input and Output of File.sub

I'm a beginner for Condor, and want to ask one question: I want to submit a job using this .sub file:

executable            = Train.cxx
transfer_input_files    = TMVA/Factory.h,TMVA/TMVAGui.h,TMVA/Tools.h
output                = TMVA-top.root
transfer_output_files   = Likelihood_Classification/

I want to pass as input files some libraries such as Factory.h and so on, contained in the TMVA directory and I want as output file TMVA-top.root and the directory Likelihood_Classification , but in this way the job ends up in HOLD , and I read that this means that there were some errors in the .sub file. What am I doing wrong?

When HTCondor puts jobs on hold, it has a hold reason. You can see this hold reason by running

condor_q -hold

What does this report?

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