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How to pass a unique id as a prop to another component

I'm creating a to-do in react to practice certain concepts, and I'm currently trying to have my list items as a separate component to help make the state iteration cleaner with having check boxes and add/remove buttons for each item on the list.

When iterating over the state to create each list item, I am trying to pass the id of each item to the list in order to have a unique id for each li element as requested by react. My code is currently as follows:


function App() {
  const [items, setItems] = useState([ 


  const addItem = (item) => {
    if(item === '') {return}
    setItems([...items, { item, id: uuid() }])

  return (
        <Input addItem={addItem}/>
          {items.map(i => (


const ListItem = (props) => {
    return (
        <li key={props.id}>{props.children}</li>

I am using react-uuid to create the unique id's. The id's are showing properly when listed out from the state, so they are there. But they aren't passing correctly as a prop from App.js to ListItem.js for some reason. When I add new items to the list, I receive the "Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop."

Any ideas why this error is happening?

React uses keys in order to uniquely identify siblings in a list. Why you might ask? Because React will try to update the DOM as little as possible with only the elements that have been changed / added / removed. See more details in the React documentation .

So whenever you use map, make sure to add keys:

items.map(i => <ListItem key={i.id} />);

No need to add a key when implementing ListItem.

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