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EmailConfiguration for AWS cognito user pool

I am using cognito to manage users. Following guide of AWS, I have to configure EmailConfiguration.SourceArn like this:


See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-cognito-userpool-emailconfiguration.html#cfn-cognito-userpool-emailconfiguration-sourcearn for more details!

Can I set the email address as SomeApp <noreply@example-domain.com> ? It'll display "SomeApp" label instead of "noreply" label in users' inbox, which is more user-friendly.

For this case, you have to set value for both properties - SourceArn and From .

Read more about From property .

EmailConfiguration block will be like (yml syntax):

  SourceArn: "arn:aws:ses:{region}:{account_id}:identity/noreply@example-domain.com"
  From: "SomeApp <noreply@example-domain.com>"

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