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Adding title to the table with flextable and officer library

I am preparing a function to create table output from a categorical variable that can be exported to word using flextable and officer library.

libraries needed:


Function is:

tab_std<-function(data, var, Name_of_variable, footer, Title) { 
  data <- data[!is.na(data[[var]]), ]
  T1 <- as.data.frame(table(data[[var]]))
  all <- sum(T1[, 2])
  T1 <- T1 %>% mutate(
    !!Name_of_variable := as.character(Var1),
    "Percent" = roundUp(Freq * 100 / all),
    "N" = as.numeric(Freq)
  ) %>%
    select(!!Name_of_variable, "Percent", "N")
  T1[ ,2]<-sapply(T1[,2], function(x) ifelse(x=="--","--",paste0(mask_m(x,all),"%")))

  T1%>% flextable()%>% add_header_lines(Title)%>% add_footer_lines(footer)

Functions that are used within in this function are:


  x= ifelse(N<masking_criteria[1],"--",x)

With this function I am adding Title to the table using function add_header_lines(), but this adds the title as part of the table. I want the title to be displayed as a text on the top of the table should not be a row of the table. For examples:

tab_std(test, "gender","Gender","This is the footer","This is my Title")

Is there any possible way to add title on the top within this function?

You can try using a new package called {rrtable}. It allows you to output flextable object while adding an additional line as the title. Please see function add_text() .

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