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Register a service-worker in index.html file that's located in SRC folder - ReactJS

Run service-worker from other folder

I'am trying to use service-worker to precache entire of PWA and i need to locate SW inside of SRC folder.

How can I run my SW from public/index.html ?

I use create-react-app and i use google workbox to generate service-worker.

I try to import SW into App.js file, but I catch an error:

'importScripts' is not defined no-undef


const precacheManifest = []; 

  new RegExp("https://app.tessa.technology/api/"),
  new workbox.strategies.CacheFirst()

  new RegExp(
new workbox.strategies.CacheFirst()

  • public
    • manifest.js
    • index.html
  • SRC
    • JS
    • CSS
    • SW.js

You have two ways.

1) Put your service-worker.js file in public directory.

2) Or, use the workbox-webpack-plugin . With this way the service-worker.js will be generate and imported automatically. This way is more recommended.

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