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I am having an issue with <method range of object _global failed> error

I am new to Excel VBA and I am working on a project which prints a report. I am getting an error when I run this excel VBA code. The error is at the "Columnoffset" line any help is appreciated. Thanks


rowoffset = DataRow - 1

' Activate WORKBOOK

Dim ColumnRangeName As String
Dim ColumnDefRange As Object
tabletouse = "ColumnDefinitions"
Sheettouse = "ColumnDefs"
Set ColumnDefRange = Worksheets(Sheettouse).Range(tabletouse)

If FieldTitle = " " Then Exit For

ColumnRangeName = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(FieldTitle, ColumnDefRange, 2, False)   

Columnoffset = Range(ColumnRangeName).Value   ' <-- Error


Whenever you are working with VLookup , it is best to handle the error in case the lookup text is not found.

'~~> Rest of your code

Dim errorNumber As Long

On Error Resume Next
ColumnRangeName = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(FieldTitle, ColumnDefRange, 2, False)
errorNumber = Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0

If errorNumber <> 0 Then
    MsgBox FieldTitle & " not found"
    Columnoffset = Range(ColumnRangeName).Value

    '~~> Rest of your code
End If

TIP : Also avoid the use of .Activate . You may want to see How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA

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