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Get value from registry via batch file and do comparison with other sub folder whether this value exist and do the exporting

Appreciate if anyone could give some advises on how to retrieve a value from registry to do comparison with a list of subfolder. Example as below:

Path in registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

From above path, it have 3 column with values:

Column [Name] : value [LastUsedUsername]
Column [Type] : value [REG_SZ]
Column [Data] : value [Administrador]

I want to get the value Administrador from column Data . Then with this value I need to compare with a list of subfolder, if this value exist in other subfolder, then it will export file in sub folder.

According to your provided information, the following will save the value data from your column to a variable:

@Set "VarName="
@For /F "EOL=HTokens=2*" %%G In ('^""%__AppDir__%reg.exe" Query ^
 "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" ^
 /V "LastUsedUsername" 2^>NUL^"')Do @Set "VarName=%%H"
@If Not Defined VarName GoTo :EOF

Your code would continue on the very next line, where %VarName% would be used for your comparison. I am unable to provide that for you at this time, because:

  1. This is not a free code writing service .
  2. You have not provided sufficient details for someone to do that for you.

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