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Going back from screen in stacknaviagtion to screen in drawernavigation is not working react native

I have two navigator in my application.

Stack Navigation:

const MainStackNavigator = createStackNavigator({
    MainScreen: { screen: Home },
    ProductDetail: { screen: ProductDetail },
    Search: { screen: Search },
    Shop: { screen: Shop },
    headerMode: 'none',

Drawer Navigation:

const MainDrawerNavigator = createDrawerNavigator({
    Home: {
        screen: MainStackNavigator,
    Wishlist: {
        screen: Wishlist,
    Login: {
        screen: Login,
    Register: {
        screen: Register,
    Logout: {
        screen: Logout,

The problem is When I'm in my Wishlist Screen I've my product card onPress of that I'm navigating to the ProductDetail Screen but when I press back button I'm redirecting to the MainScreen of the app.

I want that if I have came from wishlist screen on going back it should be go to wishlist screen.

您必须将MainStackNavigator附加到Wishlist ,而不是Home

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