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How to make child array pagination with node js and aws dynamo db

I want to make pagination of " car_types " using aws dynamo db and node js. I don't want to use js, Can we make it using dynamo db ? I want total items, total page, page size, current page and data in response.

  "uid": "222-3333",
  "car_types": [
      "description": "fsdf",
      "title": "sdfsd"
      "description": "fdfdfdf",
      "title": "dfdfd"
      "description": "dasda",
      "title": "asdas"
      "description": "dasd",
      "title": "asdas"
      "description": "dasdasd",
      "title": "asdas"

Aws Dynamo DB and Node js Code, Which I used to get result.

export function get_car_types_list(){

  var params = {
    TableName : "cms_cars",
    KeyConditionExpression: "#uid = :uid",
        "#uid": "uid"
    ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ":uid": "222-3333"

return docClient.query(params).promise()
.then(function(data) {
      return data;

}).catch( (err) => {
  console.log('got Error', err);


I want Result using dynamo db query:

  "car_types": [
      "description": "fsdf",
      "title": "sdfsd"
      "description": "fdfdfdf",
      "title": "dfdfd"
      "description": "dasda",
      "title": "asdas"
      "description": "dasd",
      "title": "asdas"
      "description": "dasdasd",
      "title": "asdas"

DynamoDb will return 1 mb data when scan/query is executed, also LastEvaluatedKey is added to result if there are any remaining data. If you pass ExclusiveStartKey: LastEvaluatedKey you can scan/query with pagination. I added some tweaks to your approach, it may help you.

Edit: You can limit the result by passing Limit: Number to your params. This will allow you to limit the returning item count and you can get more with LastEvaluatedKey .

export function get_car_types_list(LastEvaluatedKey){

  var params = {
    TableName : "cms_cars",
    KeyConditionExpression: "#uid = :uid",
        "#uid": "uid"
    ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ":uid": "222-3333"
    Limit: 5,
if (LastEvaluatedKey) {
    params.ExclusiveStartKey = LastEvaluatedKey;
return docClient.query(params).promise()
.then(function(data) {
      return data;

}).catch( (err) => {
  console.log('got Error', err);

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