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Copying excel query to power bi

I'm trying to copy excel query into PowerBI query. In excel I have

    Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents(Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Request"]}[Content]{2}[Path]),null,{0, 55, 62, 134, 145, 386, 398, 410},null,1200),
    #"Appended Query" = if Date.Month(Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Request"]}[Content]{5}[start])=Date.Month(Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="CurrentDate"]}[Content]{0}[CurrentDate]) then Source else Table.Combine({Source, Csv.Document(File.Contents(Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Request"]}[Content]{3}[Path]),null,{0, 55, 62, 134, 145, 386, 398, 410},null,1200)}), 

In excel this works all good but in Power BI I get error. ( In excel howering over the query it shows data source: X:...... .txt ) I tried copying the file path into the code but because of the "Date" section I still get errors.

Expression.Error: We couldn't find an Excel table named 'Request'. Details: Request.

The Excel.CurrentWorkbook() part means it's referring to a table within your Excel file. If you are using Power BI, there is no current workbook. If you want to connect to a data table in an Excel file, then it will look more like

    null, true){[Item="TableName",Kind="Table"]}[Data]

I recommend using the GUI to connect to sources (Home > New Source > Excel).

How to load an Excel sheet named .txt

Problem is that the file is not an excel file but a plain .txt ( I can't change it )

That still works. (Extensions don't actually mean anything, or change the contents of files. it's just like changing the file name.)

    txt_filepath = "C:\Excel\worksheet.txt",
    worksheet_bytes = File.Contents( txt_filepath ),   
    Source = Excel.Workbook(worksheet_bytes, true),    
    FinalTable = Source{[Item="Sheet1",Kind="Sheet"]}[Data]

WorkBook paramaters (verses functions)

"Excel.CurrentWorkbook part with an actual source path without losing its parameters in the code

You can use Report/Worksheet Parameters . It's easy to change the values, without having to touch the Power Query itself.


You can even make the parameter automatically fill in files.

    this generates files to suggest for report parameter
    Source = Folder_FilesFormatted( Folder.Files( #"Base Path Param" ) ),
    Path_Listing = List.Sort( Source[Full Path] )


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