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Kuberbetes: Kompose up error while deploying application

I am attempting to run compose up and am running the following command sudo kompose up --push-image=false --verbose kompose builds all the containers successfully but right at the very end throws this error:

FATA Error while deploying application: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused 

I have even run kubectl proxy but this didn't fix the problem, can anyone please help?

EDIT: To clarify I am using minikube, it is running in the background but Kompose still doesn't work.

事实证明,问题最终是这样一个事实,即默认情况下 kubectl 代理命令的证书不是自签名的,我使用kompose up --server解决了这个kompose up --server但我无法使用 Kubernetes 仪表板没有证书。

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