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Using a standalone ES6 module in IE11

I have a small ES6 module I wrote that needs to now be integrated into a project that has to support IE11. The rest of the project is written in ES5 and ideally I'd like to just transpile my module and import it as a Script in the project's HTML and have the value it exports attached to the window object.

I've tried a few different configurations for babel but they all seemed to be geared towards transpiling a complete bundle of code or required importing polyfills into the original module (which currently has no dependencies), but nothing seems to be compatible with IE11.

Module structure:

const MyModule = (() => {
    const moduleStuff = {}
    function moduleLogic(params) {

    return {
        init: initParams => doStuff(initParams),
        moduleMethod: moduleData => {

export default MyModule;

Not intended to be an answer, but with the link is too long for a comment.

With the typo removed, seems to look fine to me

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