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npm ERR! cb() never called! when doing npm install

I am trying to npm install and I have npm ERR! cb() never called! npm ERR! cb() never called! error,

this is the full error log: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/kopax/3b627be39a50cf0a6bea6f20f7d179b2/raw/7448fb398a713e76620f138f7e7337eadb88f052/npm-error.log

What is breaking map project?

In the message you posted through the link that you provide, at the end I found this message:

 65450 error cb() never called!
 65451 error This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:
 65452 error <https://npm.community>

So, I believe you need to ask about this to npm community.

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