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Auto login to website using Google Apps Script

I want to auto-login on the website https://www.shiftboard.com/log-in/ using Google apps script. Here is my google apps script code

function login() {
  var payload =
     "auth_user" : "",
     "auth_password" : "",
  var options =
     "method" : "post",
     "payload" : payload,
     "followRedirects" : false
  var login = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://www.shiftboard.com/log-in/" , options);
  var sessionDetails = login.getAllHeaders()

In logger, Output is like that


I did not get any cookies

If you look at login form's form tag in the HTML code of https://www.shiftboard.com/log-in/ , you can see that it actually submits to /servola/auth.cgi .

The form tag:

<form class="login-form" method="post" action="/servola/auth.cgi">

This means that fetch("https://www.shiftboard.com/log-in/" , options) should be changed to fetch("https://www.shiftboard.com/servola/auth.cgi" , options) .

I assume you are aware, but there is a documented API for Shiftboard .

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