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PuLP: Stuck with objective function definition

I am a first time user of PuLP and I the last time I did linear programming, Python did not exist. I can solve this problem with LibreOffice's Solve extension (which does LP)

But I need to do it in code.

I want to optimise a stock picking problem. We need to pick a certain quantity of screws, say 98. Screws are packed in packs of 25 and 100. I name those pack sizes '25' and '100'. The cost of the pick needs to be minimised. There is a cost to pick each pack, and there is a cost to the excess quantity picked. The constraint is that the quantity picked >= target_qty

For example, if the cost to each unit of excess was 0.1 and the cost to pick the '25' pack was 1 and the cost to pack the '100' pack is 1.1., the cost of picking is 1 x 100 pack is

(100 - 98) *.1 + 0*1 + 1*1.1

This is cheaper than picking 4*'25' pack.

Assuming that there are dicts pack_cost{} and pack_capacity{} which both have the key pack_name, eg pack_cost = {'25':1,'100':1.1} and therefore list_of_pack_names = ['25','100']

I try this:

lp_prob = pulp.LpProblem('PackSizes', pulp.LpMinimize)
packs_used = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Packs",list_of_pack_names,lowBound=0,cat="Integer")
pack_cost = [pack_costs[pack_name]*packs_used[pack_name] for pack_name in list_of_pack_names]
excess_cost = cost_per_unit * ( sum([pack_sizes[pack_name]*packs_used[pack_name] for pack_name in list_of_pack_names])- original_qty)

lp_prob += pulp.lpSum(pack_cost) + pulp.lpSum(excess_cost)  #objective function

# and constraint: total picked >= needed
lp_prob +=   pulp.lpSum(sum([pack_sizes[pack_name]*packs_used[pack_name] for pack_name in list_of_pack_names]) >= target_qty)



shows Optimal

lp_prob.objective is 10*Packs_10 + 15*Packs_15 + 30*Packs_30 - 16.5

but the solution is 0 of each pack size

You may check your problem with


You do not add any essential constraint that prevents all vars from becoming zero. Probably, you misprinted in the constraint statement. This constraint makes the problem not trivial (check brackets):

lp_prob += pulp.lpSum(sum([pack_sizes[pack_name]*packs_used[pack_name] for pack_name in list_of_pack_names])) >= target_qty

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