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The node was low on resource: [DiskPressure]. but df -h shows 47% usage only

I have a node in my K8S cluster that I use for monitoring tools.

Pods running here: Grafana , PGAdmin , Prometheus , and kube-state-metrics

My problem is that I have a lot of evicted pods

The pods evicted: kube-state-metrics , grafana-core , pgadmin

Then, the pod evicted with reason: The node was low on resource: [DiskPressure]. : kube-state-metrics (90% of evicted pods), pgadmin (20% of evicted pods)

When I check any of the pods, I have free space on disk:

bash-5.0$ df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay                   7.4G      3.3G      3.7G  47% /
tmpfs                    64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   484.2M         0    484.2M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p2            7.4G      3.3G      3.7G  47% /dev/termination-log
shm                      64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/nvme0n1p2            7.4G      3.3G      3.7G  47% /etc/resolv.conf
/dev/nvme0n1p2            7.4G      3.3G      3.7G  47% /etc/hostname
/dev/nvme0n1p2            7.4G      3.3G      3.7G  47% /etc/hosts
/dev/nvme2n1            975.9M      8.8M    951.1M   1% /var/lib/grafana
/dev/nvme0n1p2            7.4G      3.3G      3.7G  47% /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources
tmpfs                   484.2M     12.0K    484.2M   0% /run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
tmpfs                   484.2M         0    484.2M   0% /proc/acpi
tmpfs                    64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /proc/kcore
tmpfs                    64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /proc/keys
tmpfs                    64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /proc/timer_list
tmpfs                    64.0M         0     64.0M   0% /proc/sched_debug
tmpfs                   484.2M         0    484.2M   0% /sys/firmware

Only one or two pods show another message:

The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage. Container addon-resizer was using 48Ki, which exceeds its request of 0. Container kube-state-metrics was using 44Ki, which exceeds its request of 0.

The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage. Container pgadmin was using 3432Ki, which exceeds its request of 0.

I also have kubelet saying:

(combined from similar events): failed to garbage collect required amount of images. Wanted to free 753073356 bytes, but freed 0 bytes

I have those pods running on a AWS t3.micro

It appears that it is not affecting my services in production.

Why is it happening, and how should I fix this.

EDIT: Here is the result when I do df -h in my node

admin@ip-172-20-41-112:~$ df -h 
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs           789M  3.0M  786M   1% /run
/dev/nvme0n1p2  7.5G  6.3G  804M  89% /
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

I can see that /dev/nvme0n1p2 , but how can I see the content ? when I do ncdu in /, I can only see 3GB of data...

Apparently you're about to run out of the available disk space on your node . However keep in mind that according to the documentation DiskPressure condition denotes:

Available disk space and inodes on either the node's root filesystem or image filesystem has satisfied an eviction threshold

Try to run df -h but on your worker node , not in a Pod . What is the percentage of disk usage ? Additionally you may check kubelet logs for more details:

journalctl -xeu kubelet.service

Also take a look at this article and this comment.

Let me know if it helps.

Here you can find an answer which explains very well the same topic.


This line clearly shows that the default treshold is close to being exceeded:

/dev/nvme0n1p2  7.5G  6.3G  804M  89% /

Swith to the root user ( su - ) and run:

du -hd1 /

to see what directories take up most of the disk space.

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