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Checking bool value of a ViewBag in MVC

I have a controller method that creates a ViewBag like this

  foreach (Site s in sites)
                var OffReportRows = new Queue<List<string>>();
                ViewBag.showColumns = false;
                if (osiTotal[s.ID] > 0) {
                ViewBag.showColumns = true;

                OffReportRows.Enqueue(new List<string>

And a view page that checks if the ViewBag value is true

    @foreach (Site s in sites)
            if( ViewBag.showColumns == true) {
                <td style="font-weight : bold;">@s.Name</td>
                <td style="font-weight : bold;">Average Cost</td>
                <td style="font-weight : bold;">Average Cost With Labour</td>

But it still always returns the columns even if the total is 0. How can I fix this?

Hello as per your problem what I understood and according to your requirements. I suggest you do mention below things

Create a view model as mention below

public class siteViewModel
   public int SiteId {get;set;}
   public Bool ShowColumn {get;set;}

Create a list and set mapping to the site id and add the object to the list as below in your controller.

List<siteViewModel> siteData = new List<siteViewModel>();
foreach (Site s in sites)
    var OffReportRows = new Queue<List<string>>();
    if (osiTotal[s.ID] > 0)
         // your OffReportRows related code here
         siteData.Add(new siteViewModel() {SiteId =s.ID,ShowColumn =true });
         siteData.Add(new siteViewModel() {SiteId =s.ID,ShowColumn =false });
viewbag.MapData = siteData;

AT View side do the following changes

     List<siteViewModel> data = (List<siteViewModel>)viewbag.MapData;

@foreach (Site s in sites)
    if(data.Any(a=> a.SiteId==s.ID && a.ShowColumn)) 
            <td style="font-weight : bold;">@s.Name</td>
             // add you fields as per requirements
       // do as per requirements

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