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Why is my Python app not compatible with Heroku's Python buildpack

I know this has been asked multiple times before but none of the answers seem to work for my particular case. I created a new Github repository and uploaded the following files to it via the Github desktop client (I tried uploading from the website as well):

  • Counter.py
  • Procfile
  • requirments.txt

The app itself works when I test it locally. This is the Procfile:

worker: python Counter.py



I receive the following error every time I try to deploy it from my Github repository:

-----> App not compatible with buildpack: https://buildpack- 
   More info: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks#detection-failure
!     Push failed

I just don't understand why it isn't compatible with the buildpack but every other app I made is. I tried deploying other apps from other repositories and it worked just fine. Thanks for reading.


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