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ts-node can't find my type definition files

When I run ts-node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine I get these errors:

tsc/globals.ts:7:12 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'SugarcubeState'.

7     State: SugarcubeState;

Here is that global file:

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
declare namespace NodeJS {
  interface Global {
    State: SugarcubeState;
    setup: {};

declare const State: SugarcubeState = {
  variables: {}

declare const setup: any = {
  variables: {}

Here is my index.d.ts:

type SugarcubeVariables = {

type SugarcubeState = { variables: SugarcubeVariables };

These are both in the same directory and Visual Studio code is not complaining about anything. Why can't ts-node seem to find my type definition files?

I googled this and found this website:https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node#help-my-types-are-missing Following its advice, i modified my tsconfig file to have a

"typeRoots": ["tsc"],                       /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */

in it, but it had no effect on the error. I also tried this:

    "types": ["tsc/index.d.ts"],                           /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */

But again, no difference in the errors I received. How do I get ts-node to recognize my .d.ts files?

PS: If you're wondering why I'm defining things this way, see this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/43523944/61624

I reread that link and it appears that I need to have a very specific directory structure. The problem is, it says I need but the module name in this directory structure, and given the way I wrote my index.d.ts, i have no idea what to name this directory.

enable ts-node --files option in tsconfig.json as discussed here and here

  "ts-node": {
    "files": true
  "compilerOptions": {

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