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How to establish communication between Angular 9 container and ASP.NET Core 3.1 container using container names instead of static IP?

So I have 2 containers running on my local machine. I would like them to communicate internally through the networking of docker itself and not have to go through the host.

for example: I would like to make a call to an API from the angular container to the backend container and I want to achieve something like this in the url that I am writing inside my angular code

"backend-container-name/api/resource" instead of " http://natIP:port/api/resource "

If you're using Docker compose to provision the containers, you can use the service names as the container names and communicate.

Here is an example of docker compose file.

version: "3"

        build: .
            - "8000:80"
            - db
        image: "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server"
            SA_PASSWORD: "Your_password123"
            ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"

And you can refer the SQL Server name as db in the connection string. Similarly you can create an API server and use the service name.

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