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Jest function toHaveBeenCalledWith to ignore object order

Im testing with what arguments a function was called but its not passing because the order of properties inside an object, like:

const obj = {
  name: 'Bla',
  infos: {
    info1: '1',
    info2: '2'


The error says that was called like this: { name: 'bla', infos: {info2: '2', info1: '1'} }

I changed orders but didn't work.

You could follow a similar approach to this SO answer .


// Assuming some mock setup like this...
const mockFuncton = jest.fn();

const expectedObj = {
  name: 'Bla',
  infos: {
    info1: '1',
    info2: '2'

// Perform operation(s) being tested...

// Expect the function to have been called at least once

// Get the 1st argument from the mock function call
const functionArg = mockFuncton.mock.calls[0][0];

// Expect that argument matches the expected object

// Comparison using toEqual() instead which might be a better approach for your usecase

Expect.toMatchObject() Docs

Expect.toEqual() Docs

  it('does not care on properties ordering', () => {
    const a = jest.fn();
    a({ a: 1, b: 2, c: {d1: 1, d2: 2} });
    expect(a).toHaveBeenCalledWith({c: {d2: 2, d1: 1}, b: 2, a: 1});

passes for me with Jest 24.9.0

Under the hood , Jest applies "isEqual" check, not referential check

But we cannot check for functions equality this way. Also partial matching will need custom matcher.

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