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select and option tags in Angular reactive forms

i'm tryng to create a select with one option for every element in my classes array.

This is my .ts file

  selector: 'app-create-deck',
  templateUrl: './create-deck.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./create-deck.component.scss']
export class CreateDeckComponent implements OnInit {

  classes: ['Priest', 'Mage', 'Shaman', 'Rogue', 'Warrior', 'Warlock', 'Druid', 'Paladin']
  createDeckForm: FormGroup;

  constructor() { }

    this.createDeckForm = new FormGroup({
      'deckName': new FormControl('Meme Deck'),
      'chooseClass': new FormControl('class')
  onSubmit() {

is this the right way to loop over the array element?

And this is the .html

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <form [formGroup]="createDeckForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
      <label for="deckName">Deck Name</label>

      <label for="chooseClass">Deck class</label>
      <select id="chooseClass" name="chooseClass">
            *ngFor="let class of classes"

what i'm doing wrong?

The problem is that you decalre type instead of assign value to your array.

Change this

classes: ['Priest', 'Mage', 'Shaman', 'Rogue', 'Warrior', 'Warlock', 'Druid', 'Paladin']

To this

classes= ['Priest', 'Mage', 'Shaman', 'Rogue', 'Warrior', 'Warlock', 'Druid', 'Paladin']

Or this

classes:[] = ['Priest', 'Mage', 'Shaman', 'Rogue', 'Warrior', 'Warlock', 'Druid', 'Paladin']

A working example

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