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css not rendering in react component

When i apply the below CSS in App.css they render perfectly, however when I apply the same styles directly in my component (below) the CSS does not render.

const getStyles = () => {
        const BLACK = "#000000";
        const VW = "vw";
        const VH = "vh";
        const REM = "rem";

        return {
             editor: {
                 width: `70${VW}`,
                 height: `50${VH}`,
                 margin: `2${REM}`,
                 padding: `1${REM}`,
                 fontSize: `1.2${REM}`,
                 boxShadow: `0 .1${REM} .4rem ${BLACK}`,
                 border: `1px solid ${BLACK}`,
                 overflowY: `auto`

    const styles = getStyles();

        return (
                <div className="center">
                   <div className={styles.editor} contentEditable={true} suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>

To get the effect you desire you should do something like this.

const getStyles = () => {
        const BLACK = "#000000";
        const VW = "vw";
        const VH = "vh";
        const REM = "rem";

        return {
                 width: `70${VW}`,
                 height: `50${VH}`,
                 margin: `2${REM}`,
                 padding: `1${REM}`,
                 fontSize: `1.2${REM}`,
                 boxShadow: `0 .1${REM} .4rem ${BLACK}`,
                 border: `1px solid ${BLACK}`,
                 overflowY: `auto`

    const styles = getStyles();

        return (
                <div className="center">
                   <div style={styles.editor} contentEditable={true} suppressContentEditableWarning={true}>

More info at this link:


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