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MISRA C violation Directive 4.14

The validity of values received from external sources shall be checked

    int fun (uint8 * Data)
        if (Data != NULL) {
            *Data = 0x00u;

Does any body have any idea how to fix above warning? Even though I am checking the NULL pointer still I am getting the violation of Misra 4.14 I,e...validity of values from external sources shall be checked.

How to fix above warning?

Your code does not violate MISRA-C:2012 rule 14.4 (note the spelling).

A violation of that rule would be to write if(Data) instead of if(Data != NULL) . The former violates 14.4, the latter is MISRA-C compliant.


There is however a directive 4.14 (note the spelling) The validity of values received from external sources shall be checked , which was added to MISRA-C:2012 with the first amendment AMD-1. That directive is regarding sanitizing input from external sources such as files, user input, communication channels etc. It has absolutely nothing to do with your question.

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