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table component in stencil js

i am trying to create a custom component for Table Element using stencil js.But when i create a component the output is not what i expected .

import { Component, h,  } from "@stencil/core";

  tag: "table-head",

export class table{
  render() {
    return (
        <table class="table">

i am using above component in html file as follows.


now when i when inspect the html file. <th> element is not showing up.

I see something like this when i inspect the custom component. The <th> is not wrapping the content.

            <tr> Frist
                 second </tr>

what am i missing here?

When the Browser initially verifies the dom, he checks for invalid tags. He removes the <th> tags because they are not inside a valid <table> in the inital dom.

This here:


is an invalid dom for a table so the <th> tags are removed. When the webcomponent renders the <table> at runtime and the dom would be valid, the <th> tags are already removed. I don't think you can do much about this, as you cannot control how the browser checks the dom.

You could try to use display: table as a workaround.

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