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Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at 'http://localhost:9000/worker-html.js' failed to load

I am using Ace Editor in my Angular application. It is defined here - https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-ace-editor



<ace-editor id="editor" class="form-control" formControlName="answer" [ngClass]="validateField('answer')" [(text)]="text"></ace-editor>



    this.editor = ace.edit('editor');
         ace.config.set('basePath', '/assets/ui/');
         ace.config.set('modePath', '/assets/ui/');
         ace.config.set('themePath', '/assets/ui/');

1) I am getting the following error:

blob:http://localhos…99f9-cccd48bdb093:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at 'http://localhost:9000/worker-html.js' failed to load. at blob:http://localhost:9000/9446350d-625c-418b-99f9-cccd48bdb093:1:1

Why is this?

2) I couldn't find the purpose of these worker files, and from where they get included.

This is for react-ace figured it would maybe somewhat similar for angular fixed it for me,

 setOptions={{ useWorker: false }}

Basically disables the serviceWorker. Adding a webpack-resolver increases number of files and compile time. This thread helped me a lot.

I had to do two things to make the code work

in code, add path

ace.config.set('basePath', '/assets/ui/');
    ace.config.set('modePath', '/assets/ui/');
    ace.config.set('themePath', '/assets/ui/');

Add the following code in angular.json

"assets": [
                "glob": "**/*",
                "input": "./node_modules/ace-builds/src/",
                "output": "/"

            "scripts": [

All ace files are in /node_modules/ace-builds/src/ . the glob line makes them available at the outDir of where Angular will create the final build. In my case it is ../public/ui from where I build the angular code. So all the ace files will actually go to ../public/ui/ . Reason I am using assets is because I am using Play server which accesses assets using assets in the path. So to get files, it will call for example localhost:9000/assets/ui/worker-html.js . In the play application, I use a route to map all /assets/... requests to /public/... path

GET     /assets/*file               controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)

You need to define the output path in angular.json file.

 "assets": [
                "glob": "worker-javascript.js",
                "input": "./node_modules/ace-builds/src-min/",
                "output": "/"

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