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Azure Data Factory Event Trigger - Storage Account Key in Json?

we have a storage account that is locked down. My pipeline has connections that reference a key vault to get the access token for the storage account.

When I create an event trigger in ADF, ADF lets me find and connect to the storage account (without asking for a key or prompting me to select the linked service connection). It tells me what files it will include based on my begins with and ends with values (it found 2 files). It saves successfully.

When I publish it, I get this error in between publish to adf-publish and generating the arm templates.

The attempt to configure storage notifications for the provided storage account ****failed. Please ensure that your storage account meets the requirements described at https://aka.ms/storageevents . The error is Failed to retrieve credentials for request=RequestUri=https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/********/resourceGroups/&lt;resource group name&gt;/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storage account name here to gen 2 data lake>/listAccountSas, Method=POST, response=StatusCode=400, StatusDescription=Bad Request, IsSuccessStatusCode=False, Content=System.Net.HttpWebResponse, responseContent={&#34;error&#34;:{&#34;code&#34;:&#34;InvalidValuesForRequestParameters&#34;,&#34;message&#34;:&#34;Values for request parameters are invalid: keyToSign.&#34;}}

I believe this is due to the fact that ADF trigger creation process (and therefore its JSON) does not allow you to point to a Key Vault to get the access token for the storage account you are connecting to. Is this the issue? Is there a fix for this?

Appreciate any help, thanks - April

I think the storage account is attached to a VNET and running behind the firewall. I faced similar issue because of this. You may remove the firewall once and configure the trigger and then bring the firewall back.

It's not strictly necessary to disable the firewall. You can also use this feature on your storage account.

允许受信任服务列表中的 Azure 服务访问此存储帐户

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