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How to retrieve Image in Jade from Meteor FS Collection

I am working on a existing Meteor project. I have a Schema as shown below,

Activities.schema = new SimpleSchema({
  title: {
    type: String,
    label: 'Title',
    index: 1,

export const ActivitiesImages = new FS.Collection('activitiesImages', {
  stores: [
    new FS.Store.GridFS('homeActivitiesImages', { transformWrite: homeActivityImage }),
    new FS.Store.GridFS('origActivitiesImages', {}),
  filter: {
    maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5,
    allow: {
      contentTypes: ['image/*'],

And I found Insert code as below

 const insertObj = {
        type: [type],
        divisions: [],

      if (image) {
        insertObj.image = ActivitiesImages.insert(image);

      Meteor.call('v1/insertActivity', insertObj, (error) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {
          sAlert.success('Activity added');

Now My requirement is, I wanted to display the above stored image in the below Jade Template. I am finding difficulties in rendering the same.

MyProfile.tpl.jade (Jade Template)

 each activity in fiveStarActivities
                                    h3.ui.header.center.aligned {{activity.title}}
                                                src="{{HERE I WANT TO DISPLAY IMAGE}}"
                                                alt="image description"
                                                button.ui.mini.grey.basic.button {{activity.title}}
                                            p {{activity.description}}

I have tried the below but did not work. MyProfile.js

    activityImage(activity) {
        return ActivitiesImages.findOne({ _id: activity.image._id });

Can someone assist me on how to display the image on Jade Template ?

I have resolved this by changing template as shown below.


each activity in fiveStarActivities
                h3.ui.header.center.aligned {{activity.title}}
                    if activityImage activity
                      with activityImage activity
                                src="{{this.url store='homeActivitiesImages'}}"
                                alt="image description"


ActivitiesImages.findOne({ _id: activity.image._id });

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