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Basic queue implementation using linked list in C causing unexpected output

So, I have this task and I'm kind of confused because the number ( int ) that I want to print (as output) is not printed how it should. For example: my queue contains the int numbers 8, 9 and 10, but the numbers that show up after I run my program are 1774752, 1027013168, 1027013168. I think there's something wrong in print module.

Here's the .c file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "listqueue.h"

typedef struct simpul{
Element info;
struct simpul *next;

typedef struct queue{
node *front, *rear;
} queue;

antre CreateQueue()
   antre Q;

   Q = (antre)malloc(sizeof(queue));

   if (Q != NULL) //  complete to alocate a new queue
        Q->front = Q->rear = NULL;

 return Q;

void enQueue(antre Q, Element X)
   node *simpulbaru;

   simpulbaru = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));

   if(simpulbaru == NULL)
      printf("Failed to make new node");

   simpulbaru->info = X;
   simpulbaru->next = NULL;

   if(Q->front == NULL)
     Q->front = Q->rear = simpulbaru;
        Q->rear->next = simpulbaru;
        Q->rear = simpulbaru;

Element deQueue(antre Q)
  node *hapus;

  if(Q->front == NULL)
        printf("Maaf, Antrean kosong");

  hapus = Q->front;
  Q->front = Q->front->next;
  hapus->next = NULL;


void printQ(antre Q)
  node *tunjuk;

  tunjuk = Q->front;

  if(Q->front == NULL)
        printf("Queue is empty");

  while(tunjuk != NULL)
        printf("%d "), tunjuk->info;
        tunjuk = tunjuk->next;


Here's the .h file:

#ifndef _LISTQUEUE_H
#define _LISTQUEUE_H

typedef int Element;
typedef struct queue *antre;
antre CreateQueue();
void DestroyQueue(antre Q);
void enQueue(antre Q, Element X);
Element deQueue(antre Q);
void printQ(antre Q);

#include "listqueue.c"

And the main program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "listqueue.h"

int main()
   antre Q;
   Q = CreateQueue();
   enQueue(Q, 8);
   enQueue(Q, 9);
   enQueue(Q, 10);

   return 0;

Issue is with your printf statement in printQ function.

Change printf("%d "), tunjuk->info; to

printf("%d ", tunjuk->info);

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