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How to unit test a service in angular unit testing?

I have a function in my service as follows,,

 exportPayGapDetails(filterObject: PayGapDetailFilter): void {
  const url = `${this.payGapDetailExportUrls[filterObject.type]}`;

    res => {
      if (res) {
      } else {
        this.showToastMessage('error found);
    () => {
      this.showToastMessage('error found'


My test case,

  it('should call gender pay gap details init api when we pass type as GENDER_GAP on Export', fakeAsync(() => {
  spyOn(pollingService, 'pollRequest').and.callThrough();
  // pollingService.pollSubscriptions.unsubscribe();
  const req = http.expectOne(
    request =>
      request.method === 'POST' &&
      request.url === '/adpi/rest/v2/sb/pe/v1/export/1/getStatusValue/222'

When I run it throws me error,

Error: Expected no open requests, found 1: GET /adpi/rest/v2/sb/pe/v1/export/1/status

I understood that it is realated to this.pollingServiceService.pollRequest( this function, but I am not sure how to resolve it.Can anyone please suggest me help.Thanks.

Try to mock this request with HttpTestingController:

 it('should call gender pay gap details init api when we pass type as GENDER_GAP on Export', fakeAsync(() => { spyOn(pollingService, 'pollRequest').and.callThrough(); payGapDetailsService.exportPayGapDetails(filterDetailObject); httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController); tick(); const request = httpMock.expectOne('/adpi/rest/v2/sb/pe/v1/export/1/getStatusValue/222'); expect(request.request.method).toEqual('POST'); req.flush(exportInitSucessResponse); http.verify(); }));

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