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Sort a ListView or a ListView.ItemTemplate by a value in a specific

I trying to sort or order a ListView by a value in a specific, for example by date but I haven't anything like that, I want sort the values from an API, for example by Date, but there are Notices of type Important and No important, I did it in a Grid on the Web


I have to do the same but in a ListView in Xamarin

My ListView:

<ListView  x:Name="ItemsListView" RefreshCommand="{Binding LoadItemsCommand}" IsRefreshing="{Binding IsBusy, Mode=OneWay}" SeparatorVisibility="None" Style="{ StaticResource ResponsiveLandscapeMarginStyle }" ItemsSource="{ Binding Messages }">
        <OnIdiom x:TypeArguments="x:Int32" Phone="120" Tablet="160" />


            <local:DataItemTemplate />


My ViewModel:

    public ObservableCollection<Notice> Messages { get; set; }
    public Command LoadItemsCommand { get; set; }
    public Command LoadHighImportantItems { get; set; }

    public Notice Message { get; set; }
    public Command UpdateMessage { get; }
    public NoticeViewModel()
        Messages = new ObservableCollection<Notice>();
        LoadItemsCommand = new Command(async () => await ExecuteLoadItemsCommand());
        LoadHighImportantItems = new Command(() => ExecuteLoadHighImportantItemsCommand());
        UpdateMessage = new Command(() => ExecuteUpdateRead());

    async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand()

        if (IsBusy)
        IsBusy = true;

            var serviceStore = new ServiceStoreAPI();
            await serviceStore.GetItemsAsync(ServicesKey.Event,true);
            await serviceStore.GetItemsAsync(ServicesKey.EmployeeServicesRequests, true);
            await serviceStore.GetItemsAsync(ServicesKey.Raffle, true);
            new EmployeeServicesRequestsViewModel().LoadItemsCommand.Execute(null);
            new RaffleViewModel().LoadItemsCommand.Execute(null);
            var items = await NoticeStore.GetItemsAsync(true);

            foreach (var item in items)
        catch (Exception ex)
            IsBusy = false;

Is there a way to sort by date or by any value, to display the values in the ListView?

I tried this

foreach (var item in items.OrderByDescending(d => d.Date)

I would us a CollectionViewSource to order output:

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="SortedComboBoxItems" Source="{Binding Path=ComboBoxItems}">
        <componentModel:SortDescription PropertyName="Order" />

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