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How to move element's x/y position with js?

在此处输入图片说明 I have added a picture to describe what I need. here I have a container with yellow border and content with a red border, I want it to scroll to left for 1 container's width when I click the button in the container.

I have tried the CSS animation but it seems not what I want. so it's there a way to achieve what I want?

I have write a demo here : https://codesandbox.io/s/keen-panini-hel36

Start by adding a class to the div you'll want to move (moveDiv) and style it with position:relative .

Then, add a class to the button you want to click to trigger the action (actionButton).

Afterwards, place the following JavaScript in the end of the page in between tags

    var left = document.getElementsByClassName("moveDiv")[0].style.left;
    left = left === '150px' ? 0 : '150px';
    document.getElementsByClassName("moveDiv")[0].style.left = left;

This has an event listener knowing when the mouse is down (when user clicks the button). Change the left position accordingly to suit your needs.

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