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How can i make my variables visible outside of their range?

I have a function with some variables and I want to make it visible outside this function, but the console does not recognize it

<b:tag name='script' type='text/javascript'>

(function(){var snapAuthor=AuthorsInfo.filter(function(a){return a.name===&#39;<data:title/>&#39;})[0];


    <b:loop values='data:links' var='link'>
    <b:if cond='data:link.name contains &quot;-ad&quot;'>snapAuthor[&#39;<data:link.name/>&#39;]=&#39;<data:link.target.jsEscaped/>&#39;;
    <b:switch var='data:link.name'>
    <b:case value='rank'/>snapAuthor.rank=&#39;<data:link.target.escaped/>&#39;;
    <b:case value='about'/>snapAuthor.about=&#39;<data:link.target.escaped/>&#39;;

and this is the recall function :

$("#Auth-Sec .LinkList").each(function(){
var e = $(this);
var getName= e.find(snapAuthor.name); // snapAuthor is not defined
if (getName=== AuthorName){

Note the name of the snapAuthour variable.. i want a way to make it visible while remaining in place and thanks <3

I try make exmaple, but I don't see finally dom structure:

let snapAuthorList = {};

// there's LinkList class?
// <div class="LinkList">...

<b:tag name='script' type='text/javascript'>

    // you must get somu unique ID there
    var currentBlockID = 1;

    (function() {

        var snapAuthor=AuthorsInfo.filter(function(a) {
            return a.name==="<data:title/>"
        // js undefined is type
        if(typeof snapAuthor !== "undefined") {

            snapAuthorList[currentBlockID] = snapAuthor;

            // pass currentBlockID into dom,
            <b:tag name="div" data-id="__currentBlockID__" class="LinkListId">
            <b:loop values='data:links' var='link'>
                <b:if cond='data:link.name contains &quot;-ad&quot;'>snapAuthor["<data:link.name/>"]="<data:link.target.jsEscaped/>";
                    <b:switch var='data:link.name'>
                        <b:case value='rank'/>
                        <b:case value='about'/>

// </div>


// some nested scope
    { //

        var currentBlockID = $("#Auth-Sec .LinkList .LinkListId").data('id'); // this may be in each loop if on child block

        $("#Auth-Sec .LinkList").each(function() {
            var e = $(this);
            if (typeof snapAuthorList[currentBlockID] !== "undefined") {

                var snapAuthor = snapAuthorList[currentBlockID];
                var getName = e.find(snapAuthor.name);

                if (getName === AuthorName) {

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