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Correct way to use async function inside a for-loop

Recently, I got some error when running the E2E tests and the only change I made is adding the checkColumns logic in the original test code as following:

it('check search and sort', async () => {
  await checkLoadingAndResult();
  await checkColumns(table, ...columns); //newly added 
  await checkTableSorting();

The logic of checkColumns is like:

export async function checkColumns(table: Table, ...columns: string[]) {
  for (const col of columns) {
    expect(await table.isColumnDisplayed(col)).toBeTruthy(`${col} is not displayed`)

The error message is like:


I think maybe there's something wrong in the checkColumns function and I don't know whether it's a correct way to call async methods inside a for-loop. And I guess this for-loop is the cause of the error.

This error message is not generated by your usage of async / await. It is most likely displayed because the HTTP request sent failed due to a connection error, I had the issue on another framework and it was due to the webdriver that was not running.

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