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React: How to pass in props from a <Link /> on React Router?

I am working with Hacker News API and now I can link to my Comments.js with the ID of the story in the URL like this

export default function Story ({storyID}) {

const [story, setStory] = useState({});

 useEffect(()=> {

    getStoryTitle(storyID).then(data => data && data.url && setStory(data));

    const kids = story.kids ? story.kids: [];
     const author = story.by;
        return (

          <div className="story-wrapper">

             <a className="a-tag" href={story.url}>
               <p className="story-title">{story.title}</p>
             <p className="story-author"><strong>By: {story.by}</strong> on {timeFormat(story.time)}</p>
             <p className="story-comments"><Link to={`/comments/${storyID}`}>{kids.length}</Link> Comments</p>

EDIT: I have my Comments.js like this

    import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import {getStoryTitle} from '../API.js'
const {comment}
export default function Comments({storyID}) {
    const [comment, setComment] = useState({});

    useEffect(()=> {
        getStoryTitle(storyID).then(data => setComment(data))
    }, [])

    return (

I need to know how I can render the data in my Comments.js component similar to how I am doing with the story title and author using the prop that is passed in on the url.


Given the comments route path is defined as path="/comments/:commentId" , access the id from the match prop.



If you need to send state with the route push, it is sent in the link's to prop as an object specifying the pathname and state to be sent to the new route.

to={{ pathname: `/comments/${storyID}`, state: { data } }}

Access from the location prop.


data can be anything valid as an object payload


Assuming Comments is rendered as such:

<Route path="/comments/:id" component={Comments} />

Then unpack the id from the received match prop:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { getStoryTitle } from '../API.js';

export default function Comments({ match }) {
  const { id } = match.params;
  const [comment, setComment] = useState({});

  useEffect(()=> {
    getStoryTitle(id).then(data => setComment(data));
  }, []);

  return (
<Link to={{
  pathname: `/comments/${storyID}`,
  state: {
    yourData: 'fooBar'

and inside your component you want to render the data:

const { yourData} = this.props.location.state

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