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React - Best way to trigger a child method from parent/sibling component

I'm new in React and maybe my logic here ia mess: I have Game component and it has 2 childs: Board and Timer .

The Board have a button to start the game. When i start the game, i want to start the timer. There is a way to call directly the function to start the timer, from Board ? I tried to send a function to Board from Game and that function changes some states in Game , but i don't know how to trigger the startStopTime() of Timer (my idea was use useEffect() but i don't know if there is a more easy way)

Thanks for your help


function Game(){



function Board(){
  /* logic game*/
  return (
   <Button>Start game</button>


function Timer(){
  /* methods timer*/
  function startStopTime{ /* code*/}
  function resetTimer{ /* code*/}

  return (

I think you were on the right track thinking to use an effect in Timer .

Here's an implementation, others exist.


const Timer = ({ isRunning, onReset }) => {
  const [time, setTime] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    const timer = isRunning
      // if true, start timer
      ? setInterval(() => setTime(t => t + 0.1), 100)
      // else reset time back to 0
      : setTime(0);

    // provide cleanup function
    return () => clearInterval(timer);
  }, [isRunning]);

  return (
      {isRunning && (
        <button type="button" onClick={onReset}>

Board.jsx takes an onStartGame callback function

const Board = ({ onStartGame }) => {
  /* game logic */
  return (
    <button type="button" onClick={onStartGame}>
      Start Game

Game.jsx Manages state of timer being started and passed

const Game = () => {
  const [isRunning, setIsRunning] = useState(false);
  const runTimer = run => () => setIsRunning(run);

  return (
      <Board onStartGame={runTimer(true)} />
      <Timer isRunning={isRunning} onReset={runTimer(false)} />


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