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Remove footer from embedded Power BI report

I embedded Power BI into my web page using iframe code but I would like to hide the footer with share buttons. Is there any way to achieve this? I'm specifically talking about embed code (iframe), not public URL.

Thank you.

Typically, PowerBI returns the Iframe with it to show it was created by PowerBI, with the name embedded.

Depending on how you created it you have some options .

  1. JavaScript with CSS to hide the footer.
  2. If you used the UI, from the UI using this link , as described below from the site in link在此处输入图像描述
  3. Some code to help you out: at configuration you can setup various values, and set your footer to false


  <script src="https://microsoft.github.io/PowerBI-JavaScript/demo/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>  
  <script src="https://microsoft.github.io/PowerBI-JavaScript/demo/bower_components/powerbi-client/dist/powerbi.js""></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">
      var embedConfiguration = {
          type: 'report',
          accessToken: 'someToken',
          id: '71.Tykt.org',
          embedUrl: 'https://app.powerbi.com/reportEmbed?reportId=xxx.TYKT.org',
        settings: {
                      filterPaneEnabled: false,
                      navContentPaneEnabled: false
                      // Find the setting you want to hide and set it to False

      var report;

      window.onload = function () {  
      var $reportContainer = $('#reportContainer'); 
       report= powerbi.embed($reportContainer.get(0), embedConfiguration);



   <div id="reportContainer"></div>

Hope it helps!

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