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Wpf Open multi Window Mvvm

first sorry for my English

i have class person that has some properties

class Person

and Window Person Search this is View Model of this window contain list of person and use Mvvm

class PersonSearchViewModel
    public PersonSearchViewModel(Person person)
        SelectedPerson = person;
    public Person SelectedPerson { set; get; }
    public ObservableCollection <Person> PersonList { set; get; }

and Window Person Information to insert and update

class PersonInformationView : Window
    public PersonInformationView()
        this.DataContex = vm;

    PersonInforamtionViewModel vm = new PersonInforamtionViewModel();
    private void buttonOpenSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        PersonSearchView p = new PersonSearchView(vm.PersonInfo);

and the View Model Of this Window

class PersonInforamtionViewModel
    public Person PersonInfo { set; get; }

i need when open Window search from Window Person Information and selected person item... Change Auto the property ===> PersonInfo To achieve the class is one responsibility

Your problem is that your are driving everything from the view. In MVVM it should be the VMs that are charge and driving everything. The views are just wrappers around the VMs

Currently you are creating PersonSearchView from PersonInformationView , but this gives you no visibility on the PersonSearchViewModel inside PersonSearchView , and it's PersonSearchViewModel that has SelectedPerson .

Instead you should be creating PersonSearchViewModel from PersonInformationViewModel . That way you can react to changes in PersonSearchViewModel.SelectedPerson , either by subscribing to PropertyChanged , or probably better by passing in a callback delegate into the PersonSearchViewModel constructor that it should call when a person selects a person.

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