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check specific cols then, update or create a new row, pdo

Trying to check specific column values before inserting a new row. But a bit confused PDO's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE so, here is insert function below.

public function insert_schedule($user_id, $status, $content, $date, $time, $remarks, $created_at){
    $sql = "INSERT INTO schedules (user_id, status, content, return_date, return_time, remarks, created_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE user_id, created_at = VALUES(user_id, created_at)";
    $stmt = $this->connect()->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->execute([$user_id, $status, $content, $date, $time, $remarks, $created_at]); 

I want to check created_at and user_id before insert a new row. if created_at already exist on same user_id than update that row. else, insert a new row. How can I fix the above function.

Change the query to:

INSERT INTO schedules SET user_id=?, status=?, content=?, return_date=?, return_time=?, remarks=?, created_at=?
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status=?, content=?, return_date=?, return_time=?, remarks=?
    $user_id, $status, $content, $date, $time, $remarks, $created_at,
    $status, $content, $date, $time, $remarks
  • Duplicate keys must definded as index.
  • Execute needs the values as duplicate keys AGAIN

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