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How to get all form elements when the DOM is ready?

I want to get all form elements (input, textarea, etc.) to add a function to all of these elements on blur.

Since the DOM is not loaded yet, I get an undefined for most elements. I tried to add


but that didn't work because I don't use ngView and I don't need ngView.

It works when I add a delay on the timeout, but this is not the best solution because the loading may differ on different environments

I tried:


but this also didn't get the elements.

This is the code which works, but not the best solution:

$timeout(() => {
 const allFormElements = $element[0].querySelectorAll('input, textarea');
 const formElement= angular.element(allFormElements[0]);
 formElement.on('blur', function() {
   console.log('THis is blur');
}, 500);

Is there a better solution instead of using timeout with a delay to fix this, without adding the function manually to all fields.

FYI: I'm using ng-switch and some ng-if statements to show specific input fields. Maybe this is the issue. But I don't know.

FYI: I'm using ng-switch and some ng-if statements to show specific input fields. Maybe this is the issue.

To add a function to all <input> elements, define it as a directive:

app.directive("input", function() {
    return {
        restrict: "E",
        link: postLink
    function postLink(scope, elem, attrs) {
        elem.on('blur', function(ev) {
            console.log('THis is blur', ev.target);

Directives such as ng-repeat , ng-switch , ng-view , ng-include and ng-if all add elements to the DOM at various times. The AngularJS framework invokes the postLink function for directives when it adds such elements to the DOM.

For more information, see

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