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React app changes not updaiting after running npm run build

I have a react app with the following file structure:


When I run npm run build the app compiles everything using webpack and npm gives me the following output:


In the output (build folder), it creates an asset-manifest.json file, containing the newly created files:

  "files": {
    "main.css": "/static/css/main.607e5368.chunk.css",
    "main.js": "/static/js/main.08012c8a.chunk.js",
    "main.js.map": "/static/js/main.08012c8a.chunk.js.map",
    "runtime~main.js": "/static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js",
    "runtime~main.js.map": "/static/js/runtime~main.a8a9905a.js.map",
    "static/css/2.8643d4fb.chunk.css": "/static/css/2.8643d4fb.chunk.css",
    "static/js/2.1aae919f.chunk.js": "/static/js/2.1aae919f.chunk.js",
    "static/js/2.1aae919f.chunk.js.map": "/static/js/2.1aae919f.chunk.js.map",
    "index.html": "/index.html",
    "precache-manifest.ca81004b99ff7fc6f769d98332234f01.js": "/precache-manifest.ca81004b99ff7fc6f769d98332234f01.js",
    "service-worker.js": "/service-worker.js",
    "static/css/2.8643d4fb.chunk.css.map": "/static/css/2.8643d4fb.chunk.css.map",
    "static/css/main.607e5368.chunk.css.map": "/static/css/main.607e5368.chunk.css.map",
    "static/media/index.scss": "/static/media/slick.f97e3bbf.svg"

However, if I go into my browser the react app doesn't update and keeps using the old filenames. If I go to the network inspector I can see that the files are loaded with 200 OK (from ServiceWorker) .

Why are the newly genrated files not being used in the new index.html?

I've tried clearing my cache, using a clean installation of the template, using another browser, using incognito mode,...

It is due to service worker. Unregister your service worker to show updated content

In your index.js or whatever is main file in react app

// import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker'; // comment this line
import { unregister } from './registerServiceWorker';

Comment registerServiceWorker()

// registerServiceWorker() 
unregister();// add this

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