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Testing a method with yield using rspec

I have a method which yields. I am testing it for two conditions.

1) if it yields ( I am successfully able to do this using the yield match)

2) if it does not yield. ( This is where any help in the right direction would be appreciated.)


def example_method
  yield if block_given?


it 'yields to a block' do
  expect{ |b| example_method(&b) }.to yield_with_no_args

it 'does not yield if a block is not given' do

The first spec passes successfully, but for the second spec I am not sure how to proceed, since the yield match would require a block to be given and if a block is given it would pass, whereas I want to test it for not yielding if a block is not given.


Try something like

expect { example_method }.to_not yield_control

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