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Implement Redux with Android Observer/Livedata/Coroutine/Kotlin

Consider the Android app architecture that is recommended by Google: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/docs/guide
This architecture is based on ViewModels and Observables, therefore I would categorize it as "Model-View-ViewModel" (MVVM) architecture.

This is quite different to React-Redux. Whereas the Android architecture encourages bi-directional dataflows between Views and ViewModels, Redux enforces a uni-directional dataflow in a circle. Moreover, the Android architecture keeps state in several ViewModels, whereas Redux enforces a centralized store.

Now my question is how to implement Redux with native Android libraries. My first attempt would be:

  • Implement a centralized store as a Kotlin Singleton object.
  • The store provides a sendAction -method that takes an action, puts it in a queue and then returns quickly.
  • Actions are pure Kotlin data classes because they should not contain any logic.
  • Within the store, implement a Kotlin-Coroutine that picks up actions from the queue and dispatches them with a huge switch-statement.
  • Use a Room-database + some ephemeral state as a model. In particular, the ephemeral state controls which Fragment/Dialog is shown at any given time.
  • Ensure that the state is only mutated by the Coroutine.
  • Use observable livedata ( androidx.lifecycle.LiveData ) to re-render the UI whenever the Room-database or the ephemeral state changes.
  • Since observables are not enough to control an Android UI, I would also need a function that compares the current fragment/activity with the expected state, and eg trigger a FragmentManager transaction if a deviation is detected.

However, a few points are not clear:

  • How to keep activity/fragments in sync with the global state? Perhaps I would use a single activity and replace fragments as needed, depending on the current state of the store.

  • How can I implement both async + sequential action dispatching? Perhaps I would implement a single Kotlin-Coroutine that picks up incoming actions from the queue and dispatches them straight on the UI thread.

  • How can we ensure that the entire UI is re-rendered before new actions are dispatched? Perhaps I would stall the dispatching coroutine until there are no more other runnables in the queue of the UI thread?

You are right to say there are some limitations with MVVM.

Redux-style architecture tends to get called 'MVI' or 'Unidirectional' in Android.

There are some attempts at implementing this architecture in Android already that you can take a look at to help answer your questions:



In addition, this summary page has a list of articles/libraries describing the approach.

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