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Angular ng-container inside a HTML table row

I have a Reactive Form with FormArray (like an Game Roster with basic information like Start At, Prize, Duration and also with a Roster (array of players)

I display array of players like this:


   *ngFor="let player of form.players" 

And custom component

  selector: 'tr[appPlayer]',
  templateUrl: './player.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default,
  providers: [
export class AppPlayerRow {
  player: FormGroup;

So far so good. Inside AppPlayerRow I need display cells, indeed. Though, they must be wrapped inside an element with [FormGroup] directive. As far as I know HTML5 allows only td/th element inside TR. So I did it with this workaround:


<ng-container [formGroup]="player" >
    <td class="order" >
        {{ plater.controls.order?.value }}

    <td class="desc" >

In browser all is rednered good, ng-container is not rendered, everything seems to be valid. I am just trying to confirm if I am not missing some caveat.


It is totally okay to use the <ng-container> , however, the container just helps you to increase the context in which you use Angular directives. More like you could have a *ngFor directive in the outer context and still use *ngIf in the looped *ngFor by using the ng-container to group elements when there is no suitable host element for the directive. Refer to the Angular Guide .

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