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How to get the value of input fields of a particular form on which i clicked ,all the forms and their input have the same class but different value

i get all the forms generated by a PHP while loop so i can not change their id and classes..they all come in the DOM with same id and class but every form input has their own distinct value...all i want is,,if i click on submit of a particular form i want the jquery to get the input value only of that specific form.

   <form  class ='myform' >
     <input type = "hidden" name ="fname" value = "sam">
     <input type = "submit" value = "Submit">

    <form class = 'myform'>
      <input type = "hidden" name = "fname" value = "olivia">
      <input type = "submit" value = "Submit">

    <form class = 'myform'>
      <input type = "hidden" name = " fname " value = "justien">
      <input type = "submit" value = "Submit">

   <scirpt >

    ----here i want the solution

You could either add a counter into the loop statement for creating the myForm.

`<form class = 'myform${counter}'>`

This would make the forms have a unique class but would make CSS difficult. Alternatively, you could select the parent of the input field


That should work

It works for me like a charm

    $(".myforms']").submit(function(e) {
        var f_name = $(this).children("input[name='f_name']");

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